Category Archives: Animals

The Bushveld Choir

In the bushveld, there is a choir made up of sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.[Read More...]

Humorous Look at the Chameleon

A tongue in cheek look at the awesome Chameleon by Ranger Pierre

The Mystical Waterbuck by Ranger Jacques

According to bush fundi’s the trademark white ring around the rump of a waterbuck acts[Read More...]

Animal That Commands Great Respect!

Animal That Commands Great Respect! October 2018 AN ANIMAL TO BE RESPECTED! We stopped for[Read More...]

The Beautiful and Majestic Nyala

Working with passion is more encouraging than depending on experience!

Old Spots

Christiaan Schmidt is one of our senior and popular rangers and this is a recent[Read More...]

Dance of Dominance

Dance of dominate as witnessed by Ranger Jacques